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Furnished Room 4 Night Shift Female workers Col 4

  • 21 May 2020, 4:09pm
  • Views : 934

Verified User
Colombo 4
20 May 2020

Rs: 10,000

අදාළ අයිතමය පරික්ෂාවට හෝ විකුණුම්කරු මුණගැසීමට පෙර අන්තර්ජාලය, දුරකථන ජාල හා බැංකු ජාල හරහා මුදල් ගෙවීමෙන් වලකින්න.

Do not pay for the item on the internet, telephone networks or bank networks before checking out or checking the seller.


  • Address Near RA Demel Mawatha, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4 secured area
  • Type Portion
  • Gender Women


  •   Furniture
  •   Kitchen
  •   Attached Bathroom
  •   Tiled Floor


A Furnished Room with washroom with parking in a secured place in near RA Demal Mawatha, Bambalapitiya for working night shift Hotel/ Bar/Casino or Club Female workers
Price per Month: 10000
This room is for rent if you are really interested for the above room plz do not hesitate to mail or contact us..
Wish you all the very best with Good Health, Wealth, Happiness and Long Life.
Mrs Peiris owner
Email: [email protected]